Total health calculator
Total health calculator

Quickly find out your BMI, waist to hip ratio, body frame size, ideal weight, body fat, RMR, calories burned, target heart rate, and maximum heart rate.


This calculator combines the output from several individual calculators to give you a full body analysis. You can see the ideal weights and corresponding BMIs for the 4 most used formulas (Devine, Hamwi, Miller, and Robinson) by clicking the 'Show Additional Fields' icon button.Ĭalculate and show me many of the common health indicators. Enter your height and wrist circumference and this calculator will use standard insurance industry tables to show your frame size and ideal weight range.Įnter your gender and height to calculate your ideal weight using industry accepted formulas. Knowing your frame size can help you set reasonable weight goals. Since bone structure varies in size from person to person, researchers have added frame size as a factor in helping to determine someone's ideal weight.

total health calculator

Use my wrist circumference to determine my frame size. (Measuring the elbow, rather than the wrist, to determine frame size gives more range and accuracy, particularly for men.) Enter your height and elbow width and this calculator will use standard insurance industry tables to show your frame size and ideal weight range. Use my elbow width to determine my frame size. Enter your waist and hip measurement and this calculator will help you determine if you may be at higher risk. Recent research shows that a person's waist-to-hip ratio may be a better indicator of heart disease risk than body mass index. What do my waist and hip size indicate about my risk of heart disease? Just enter your weight and height to calculate your BMI, BMI classification, and the weight range for the classification. This BMI calculator will help you determine your approximate Body Mass Index (BMI), which is a measure of body fat and helps determine if your heart and cardiovascular system may be overworked. What is my body mass index (BMI) and BMI classification? Health Consumers, Health Educators, Health Professionals, Medical Services Other topics covered in this Health Calculator group: Health Advisors, Health & Fitness, Healthy Living, Wellness Services, Health Clinics,

total health calculator

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Total health calculator